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Future Directions Foundation


Our Mission

We are a charitable foundation based in Switzerland dedicated to advancing healthcare and well-being, culture, and social reform in Europe, the UK, and Israel. 

Our Strategy

Three Hallmarks of Excellence

We want our philanthropy to be meaningful and we think about ways that things done well can be replicated, scaled, or embraced to a positive and sustainable effect. We want to adapt and advance to elevate our impact to extraordinary levels for generations to come. We align ourselves with institutions and organisations that bear our three hallmarks of excellence:

A culture of innovation and entrepreneurship

We aim to cultivate conditions necessary to support innovation.

A collaborative and strategic approach

We want to support organisations that embrace a strong strategy underpinned by thorough research in their field. Collaboration with existing programmatic partners, alignment, and benchmarking is very important to us.

The ability to scale and implement societal change

Our funding approach is akin to ‘seed funding’ to help organisations scale up and maximise their impact quantitatively and qualitatively through direct change in society. This includes legislative change to support better outcomes for social reform, healthcare, and culture.  

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